Happy Spring everyone
Hi, everyone! Happy Earth Day!!! As many of you probably know, 2016 was a rough year for me. I entered 2017 with a battle plan and am...
Series Pages
Hi everyone! As we barrel into 2015, I'm revamping the website. One of the big adds is series pages. You should see a couple right...

Phoenix Rising Hits aRe Best Seller's List
Woot! Phoenix Rising has hit aRe's Best Seller's list. Yay! Check it out!!! Thank you so much to everyone buying it. I hope you enjoy. :)

Cover Reveal - A Wolf's Promise
#coverreveal #decadentpublishing #paranormal
It's aliiiiiiiiiiivvvveeeee
Wow. Talk about over my head. Whew. I'm so, so glad this new website is up and running. I've learned more about technical...